Reflections on Writing - Plan
You have to have a plan. It is more important to know the ending than to know the beginning. The beginning can always be adapted, modified or changed. But the ending is where you are heading. It’s your North Star. A guiding light. The ending is where all your thoughts and ideas come to a conclusion.
Using an outline is a great tool. Outline the book from the beginning to end. Then flesh out the in-betweens. The plan can start simple. You are writing your book to fill in the details. So, use the plan as guideposts, milestones to keep you and your story moving in the right direction.
It is easier to write about your character’s journey or fulfill your hero’s arc if you already have an idea of the outcome and the steps to achieve it. Another benefit to having an outline or plan is the ability to beat the dreaded writer’s block. If a section of the story is not coming together like you want or is difficult in getting it cohesive, then use your outline to start a different section or different storyline. Most novels have multiple storylines. There is no rule that says you must write your book the way it will be read. You will be amazed at how often a later part of the story will help bring a previous part to it. And as a result, help you get over a writing hump.
So, make a plan, develop the ending and use it as a tool for effective writing. And write. And then write some more.