Future Story Ideas
As a writer, it is good to keep a log or a small book that you can write future story ideas in. Something that you can keep handy when you need to start a new book.
Writing Prompts
Writing prompts are great. I particularly like the ones that give you three or so words and you must write a short story or vignette with them.
Music and My Writing Process
I think using music during the writing process is different for everyone. For me there are a few different types of music depending on what I am writing.
Reflections on Writing - Research
You have to know what you are writing about. Sci-fi requires technical knowledge. Fantasy requires antiquity knowledge. Even a children’s book with animals requires a basic knowledge of the animals included in the story.
Reflections on Writing - Write
You have to write. Thinking about writing, developing a plan about writing, talking about writing or dreaming about writing is important. However, putting pen to paper is the only way to complete a book.