The Reason for the Season

Through the night sky a star so bright,
Travelers of a different land guided at night,
Beast of burden with cherished essence and spice,
An entourage to escort kings of thrice,

A census city full at every Inn,
A dark manger the only space for a night to spend,
Man's earthly possessions secured in their pen,
The only place to rest for a holy virgin,

Stories shared among friends of a shepherd's fire,
Watches of lamb and ewe that will not tire,
Conversations broken by announcement of a heavenly choir,
The arrival of Immanuel in line with David's sire,

At a time when only a Father would see fit,
Came favored grace from the Spirit,
The birth of the Son sent to every nation.
To bring a lost world an eternal salvation.

J. S. Clawson

Scott Clawson is an avid writer, photographer, traveler and gardener. Living on a small island, he has spent many hours watching and taking photographs of wildlife in his garden, on the beach and in the wetlands.  He naturally began writing stories about the whimsical wildlife world around him.

The Promise


Ave Regina coelorum